# Settings

Here’s more information on the settings you can choose for your server.

This block is not yet finished, come back later to see more information.

# Server Name

This is the name that will be used throughout the whole system, when we reference to your server. We use this name e.g. in messages to users or we show it in the top left in the shop. It should not contain information about the server (like usually done in the server name in nitrado), just the server/project name.

# Subdomain

This is the subdomain .dayz-manager.com. Make sure to select a short, but representative subdomain for your server. Remember: This is the URL your players will have to enter into their browser to connect their accounts.

# Discord Server ID

If you run a discord server for your game server / project, copy your discord server id and insert it here. After setting an discord server id, you will be prompted to add the discord bot to your server. Follow the instructions in the prompt. If you do not see the message, try reloading a couple times. It might take a while for the system to update the bot status.

# Vehicle Wipes

This setting lets you choose a schedule on which the vehicle wipes on your server should be done. Vehicle wipes are only performed during restarts and are only executed if you restart your server through our system (whether manually or automatically).
Attention: Vehicle wipes are done through our Modding System. Make sure to understand the implications of using mods before enabling this setting.

# Synchronize player lists

This setting is important since without it your whitelisted and banned players will not be updated in Nitrado. If you already have people whitelisted or banned manually, create those users in DayZ Manager manually and then set their status to whitelisted/banned. As soon as you enable “Synchronize player lists”, all existing lists will be overwritten since from then on DayZ Manager is the “single point of truth”.